Coming Up
What's coming up at the studio that you
NEED to know about???
Heels Flow with Alena
She's back for a flying visit! And there's room for a dance! (there always is!)
Join Alena for a Heels Flow special class and let's dance it out!
WHEN? Wednesday 12th March 6.15pm
Invert Clinic
Our famous invert clinic is back and we CANNOT wait!
This clinic is designed to break down the specific moves, focus on strength, stability and flexibility, breaking down the mechanics and working on building your foundation towards achieving the desired moves.
Whether you can invert or are working towards it, or just want to find other ways to get upside down, this workshop will cover the mechanics of an invert, strengthening, conditioning and detailed focus on engagement and awareness of what’s going on in the body to help you understand the demands and translate this to movement.
This workshop will leave you with more in depth knowledge and understanding of a traditional pole invert and with exercises you can do at home/studio/gym to continue working on your goals.
Pre-requisites: completed level 1 and 2 course = improver level (climb, side climb, leg hang moves such as flatline, viva, genie) (if you are unsure if this workshop is for you please contact the studio directly)
Investment: £20
(£5 discount for TPL membership holders - contact the studio for discount code)
Terms and conditions: registrations for these workshops are non-refundable once payment is made, in the event of workshop cancellation, workshop will be rescheduled to a new date, if you can no longer attend you can sell your spot on, you then need to inform the organisers ASAP.
WHEN? Saturday 15th March 12.30-2pm
NEW MONTHLY CLASS - Heels Skills with Holly
Who is this class for?
- anyone who has completed a beginner course or min of 6 beginner pole sessions and is already attending heels flow classes, or would like to start attending heels flow classes
- anyone who wants to delve a little deeper into heels technique, slow things down to learn and understand the movement, the steps and the process
What can you expect from this class?
- conditioning specific for dancing in heels
- slower paced approach to break down and learn technique, movements and specific elements such as: walking in heels, balance, pirouettes, weight distribution, connecting moves, elements of edge work etc.
- learn short sequences to perfect technique and to use within your own dance
Ready to up your HEELS SKILLS?
Saturday 22nd March 12.30pm
Fancy trying something new? Have a go at pole strap with us!
A strap attached to pole that brings so many new possibilities and ways of poling! Enjoy flying around a pole, apply what you have learnt in pole so far to a new apparatus creating flow. Learn new moves and combinations.
The flying-like feeling will have you hooked!
Pre-requisites - minimum required is a completed beginners course or 6 weeks of pole experience.
Wednesday 26th March 7.25pm
Spinny Pole Choreo Workshop
with Jenna
This class shifts away from fancy tricky-tricks and focuses on creating, linking and flowing through pretty spins and shapes. You will learn how to move seamlessly using the spinning pole, combining your existing tricks and spins to create a graceful, fluid routine. Slow down, dance the tricks, connect...enjoy the beautiful energy of spin pole!
WHEN? Wednesday 16th April 7-8.25pm